Thursday, September 6, 2012
The "underground economy" -- a worthy target market?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
If we go for the DE market with the 'best product' -- is success guaranteed?
Heads up. We missed the deadline for this Friday's submission, so there will be no column tomorrow.
Please bear with us as the challenges in life try to overtake us. We're still here and thank you that you are too. God bless. Thanks!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The World Marketing Summit at Bangladesh - MarketingRx column Feb 17-12 (
![]() | The World Marketing Summit at Bangladesh - MarketingRx column Feb 17-12 |
Marketing Rx, February 17, 2012
“Can marketing help solve the world’s social and economic problems?”
By Dr Ned Roberto & Ardy Roberto
LAST DECEMBER 7, 2011, Professor Philip Kotler invited the Senior MRx-er to speak at the World Marketing Summit (WMS) to take place in Dhaka, Bangladesh this coming March 1-3, 2012. The WMS 2012 is jointly hosted by the Government of Bangladesh and the Kotler Center for Marketing Excellence, Bangladesh. For health reasons, the Senior MRx-er was forced to decline.
But we wish to extend an invitation to our fellow marketing practitioners, professors and students to the WMS. Here is an opportunity to witness that finally there is this growing recognition that your discipline, Marketing, can help solve social and economic problems not only in our country but in the world.
Let us share with you the pertinent details of the WMS event.
“The theme for the Summit is Creating A Better World Through Marketing. Its objective is to bring together global leaders in marketing and branding to discuss how marketing philosophies and insights can find effective and innovative solutions to some of the biggest challenges of the contemporary world. The WMS is designed to have a place alongside other leading global events such as the World Economic Forum in terms of bringing together leading social thinkers and activists.”
In conferences and meetings among businessmen and professionals, we’ve often noted that speakers at gatherings of world economic leaders such as the World Economic Forum are almost all exclusively financial experts. This is in spite of the fact that leading business authorities and media have pointed out that the lingering global economic crisis has also a marketing side to it. The WMS is signaling that the time has finally arrived to now give due recognition to Marketing’s potential contribution.
What’s the coverage of the WMS event and who will be coming?
The four areas selected for deliberation at the 2012 WMS are:
- Human Resource Development
- Health
- Food Security
- Green Clean Economy
According to Kotler and the organizers, “The WMS will involve a highly specialized group of experts to explore marketing solutions to the challenges in these areas. Suggested solutions will be piloted subsequently in business incubators at renowned universities and institutions around the world before being scaled up.
“The WMS will feature leaders in a broad range of fields covering business, entrepreneurship, academia, public sector, science and technology, health, media, communication, and environment. In addition, a number of global political leaders are expected to inspire the forum and enrich its deliberations. We are confident that the Summit would help us find and then test concrete solutions.”
We should say something about the WMS’ idea of a “Field Incubator.” We won’t talk about the many proposed “Field Incubators.” We’ll mention one of them so that you can have a taste of the flavor of what an incubator is all about. This one is the Field Incubator under the Kotler Center for Marketing Excellence:
“Proposition: Micro insurance for health is an unsought service which can be
made sustainable by using need based approach for changing behavior of people
at the bottom of the pyramid. Bangladesh has been the leader for promoting micro
credit and therefore is the best place to experiment with the concept of micro
insurance. At the same time, Bangladesh is the second largest apparel exporter of
the world which represents 85% female workforce. Thus, it is a perfect setting to
unfold micro insurance in this segment. This will result in creation of a healthy
society, health for all and opportunity for businesses offering insurance.”
To those who wish to participate, please contact Professor Kotler’s Associate in Charge for WMS, Professor Fahim Kibria at
Keep your questions coming. Send them to us at or God bless!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012
you can now read Dr Ned's SEGMENTING book on Amazon Kindle, iPad, Blackberry and more :-)
Segmenting is written by one of Asia's most respected marketing research gurus, Dr. Ned Roberto, who is the first Asian co-author of marketing legend, Philip Kotler.
Let Dr Ned Roberto, PhD, take you through a marketing success map where you will discover why "the right path toward marketing success is to follow the consumers' self-segmentation."
"SEGMENTING should make marketing practitioners excited to see how this simple approach can bring out golden insights that could spur much-desired but often elusive meteoric business growth."
- Gary de Ocampo, Managing Director, TNS Global
"This book explains how I can creatively convert product programs into market and customer plans via the process of the correct market segmentation... In shifting my attention to commonalities between two or more market segments, I can come to identify a market that seems not to exist but happens to be there!" - Sonnie Co, SVP, Professional Health Group, UNILAB
"I have hung on Dr Ned Roberto's every word since I was first introduced to him five years ago. He is the greatest marketing guru I have ever met. He makes methodological research a great adventure to me, with the most attentive inspiring tour on segmenting in finding my brand's full potential. Our company has built three brands in a span of 3 years with more than 100% growth, each catering to different segments." - Cris Albert, CEO, Isportlife, Inc (for FILA, TIVA, Everest and Outdoors)
DR. NED ROBERTO,PH.D is one of Asia's leading authorities on marketing. He is a much sought after consultant, speaker, author, and educator. He has taught at Northwestern University in Chicago, INSEAD in France and at the Asian Institute of Management. In 1983, he received the Philippine Marketing Association's Agora Award for Marketing Education. Dr Roberto has consulted and conducted in-house seminars for Fortune 500 companies in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.
Dr Ned Roberto has also written Social Marketing 2/e co-authored with his friend and former professor at Northwestern University, Philip Kotler (now translated into 7 languages). Dr Ned is also the author of How to Make Local Governance Work, The Marketer's Guide to Socio Economic Classification of Consumers, Strategic Market Segmentation and many other books and articles. He co-writes MarketingRx, a weekly column published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer every Friday, with his son, Ardy Roberto.
For in-house marketing, segmenting and marketing research training by Dr Ned Roberto, please call Salt & Light Ventures at (632) 813-2732/03 or email or For a schedule of Dr Ned's public seminars on Segmenting or Marketing, please visit or call (632) 813-2732 or email
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
12 Books for 2012 - MarketingRx's Reading List - continuation (
![]() | Part II - 12 Books for 2012 - MarketingRx's Reading List |
MarketingRx for February 3 , 2012
12 books to read for 2012 (continuation)
Last Friday, we published the first nine books on our "To Read" list for 2012. We promised at least 12, so here's the rest of the list. (Please do share what's on your reading list!)
In preparing my list, I scoured what is being recommended by book reviewers, marketing bloggers, and schools. I even emailed our marketing colleagues and asked for their reading list. After gathering the recommendations, here's what's on my "To Read" list this year. What's on yours? (Disclosure, none of these books were sent to us for review by the publisher or by any bookstore.)
If you missed last week's list here's the summary:
1. Speed Reading by Tony Buzan (BBC Publishing).
2. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. (Simon & Schuster)
3. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
4. Data-Driven Marketing: The 15 Metrics Everyone in Marketing Should Know by Mark Jeffery.
5. The Starfish and The Spider, The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom.
6. Mavericks At Work (Why the Most Original Minds in Business Wins) by Bill Taylor and Polly LeBarre.
9. Small Store Marketing by Chiqui Escareal-Go.
Here's the rest of the dozen plus a couple more.
#10. Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz
#11. 8 Simple Secrets to Raising Entrepreneurs by Mary Joy Canon Abaquin and Go Negosyo. If we are to raise a new generation of Filipinos with a heart to lift up the Philippines out of poverty, then we need to encourage our kids who show an entrepreneurial bent to go for it. The younger they are trained and encouraged the better. "Teacher Joy", who is an early child educator, school owner and proponent of the multiple intelligence education movement, writes a creative book that parents can read together with their children. Go Negosyo founder and publisher of the book, Joey Concepcion, in his blog about the book says "I hope that all parents will learn from 8 Simple Secrets to Raising Entrepreneurs and be able to guide their children to be the best that they can be. Some of our children may not turn out to be what we expect them to be, but never underestimate them. Who knows? They may turn out to be the next multimillionaire. God blesses each one in different ways. As parents and teachers, it is our duty to bring out the best in our kids or students. In end, what is important is that they realize the value of hard work, love of family, love of country and love of God."
#12. Poor Economics by Abhjit Banerjee.(Perseus Books, UK) Every since we (the Sr MRxer, Dr Ned) got involved in Social Marketing (not the social media marketing, but using marketing to change or influence public behavior towards a better world), books like this have a special place on our reading list. Poor Economics champions "radical new ways of tackling global poverty". It was awarded the 2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year. Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times and chair of the panel of judges, said he had been "blown away by the thoroughness of [Banerjee and Duflo's] empirical research. This is going to be a real basis for innovation in policy, innovation in government, and a guide to intellectual debate. This is a business book in the broadest sense". As a companion reader with this book, watch out also for Dr Ned's Social Marketing Research book in the Philippine setting.
If you receive a 13th or even a 14th month bonus every year, then you should invest in yourself more and read a couple of more titles. Who knows, the investment will result in you getting the equivalent of a 15th or 16th month bonus!
#13. The Zappos Experience by Joseph Michelli. This would serve as a good reading companion to the book, Delivering Happiness, by Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos, who just became the newest billionaire when he sold his company to Amazon. The online retailer of shoes and other merchandise has become known through word-of-mouth marketing. It simply had the policy of creating a great customer experience and going the extra ten miles in making its customers the happiest they could be. For Zappos, they made customer happiness the new marketing.
Here's more from the book description:
"The Zappos Experience" takes you through--and beyond--the playful, offbeat company culture Zappos has become famous for. Michelli reveals what occurs behind the scenes at Zappos, showing how employees at all levels operate on a day-today basis while providing the "big picture" leadership methods that have earned the company $1 billion in annual gross sales during the last ten years--with almost no advertising. Michelli breaks the approach down into five key elements: Serve a Perfect Fit--create bedrock company valuesMake it Effortlessly Swift--deliver a customer experience with ease Step into the Personal--connect with customers authentically S T R E T C H--grow people and productsPlay to Win--play hard, work harder.
When you enhance the customer experience, increase employee engagement, and create an energetic culture, you can't help but succeed. Zappos has woven these five key components into a seamless strategy that's the envy of business leaders.
#14. What else should be on your reading list?
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Monday, January 30, 2012
12 Books to read for 2012 (part 1)
Here's the list we published last Friday.
MarketingRx for January 27, 2012
12 books to read for 2012
Personal growth gurus and career coaches that I have had the privilege to talk with have all recommended that managers or leaders should read a book a week. Now, I hardly have time to read through all the sifted email that my inbox software marks as "important", "priority" or non-spam, more so 52 books a year! Come on. Okay, so maybe it is time that we take up a speed reading course. But to be sure, and not to overwhelm, perhaps a book a month would be fair game?
In preparing my list, I scoured what is being recommended by book reviewers, marketing bloggers, and schools. I even emailed our marketing colleagues and asked for their reading list. After gathering the recommendations, here's what's on my "To Read" list this year. What's on yours? (Disclosure, none of these books were sent to us for review by the publisher or by any bookstore.)
1. Speed Reading by Tony Buzan (BBC Publishing). Well, why not start with this? There's an explosion of books, blogs, articles, reports, white papers, novels to read on iPad, Kindle, etc etc etc that are begging for your attention. If you haven't taken one of those Prosec Speed Reading courses, you can opt for the strategies and tips that Mind Mapping founder (and founder of the World Memory Championships), Tony Buzan recommends. (Disclosure, my company has the license to teach Tony Buzan's Mind Mapping courses, but does not get any royalties from the sales of his books here in the Philippines.)
2. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. I usually don't join bandwagons, but there are good reasons why this book is the number one overall best-selling book of 2011 even though it was released only in October 2011. That includes Amazon, The New York Times list, and yes, National Bookstore. (The sales lady at National said, "we can't count anymore the number of Steve Jobs books we've sold!") I got my copy as a Christmas gift from my sweet wife, Tingting, and couldn't put it down. (Was just going to go for the shortest chapter before going to sleep at 11pm and put it down at 1.30am). Isaacson does a great job in writing the book and getting out of the way, so to speak. Jobs is a control freak but he gave enormous freedom to the author, Isaacson. The value in this book (aside from the "Insider" show type of glimpses of how Job's was in his personal life--surprising how he and his wife were into PDA--public display of affection) as a marketer and business man is the rich insight on how Jobs drove deals and drove himself and his teams to create great PRODUCT first. Profit was not Jobs' motivator. (He believed profit would follow.) He was not a believer in market research per se, but relied on his adept, almost prophetic reading of what consumers WOULD want and got a great kick out of it. The inside story of how Pixar's first movie, Toy Story, came to be, reads like a suspense novel. This chapter is worth the price of the book already. Can't wait to read the rest of this big book.
These next two are recommended by blogger, Joshua Duncan, at (Where Product is the New Marketing). I've put these on my list as well. Duncan writes:
3. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman was selected as one of the best books of 2011 by Amazon. Here's an excerpt from the book description,
In the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman exposes the extraordinary capabilities—and also the faults and biases—of fast thinking, and reveals the pervasive influence of intuitive impressions on our thoughts and behavior.
4. Data-Driven Marketing: The 15 Metrics Everyone in Marketing Should Know by Mark Jeffery. Here's an excerpt from the book description,
We live in budget-cutting times, and marketing budgets are among the first to get cut. Why? When non-marketing executives take a hard look at the numbers, they often can't see a tangible link between marketing and overall revenue. So if you're a marketer today, you're probably facing the need to do more with less, justify all investments, show results, and still beat the competition. The secret to this balancing act is having—and correctly using—the numbers.
Recommended books #5 to #8, were submitted to me by the young visionary and social entrepreneur, Jay Jaboneta, who recently spoke at TEDxMontpellier in France about his Yellow Boat project that has helped thousands of poor students in Zamboanga get to school on yellow boats (whereas they were literally swimming to school before!) Here are his recommendations:
5. The Starfish and The Spider, The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom. The concept of
6. Mavericks At Work (Why the Most Original Minds in Business Wins) by Bill Taylor and Polly LeBarre. Again for those of YOU who may not
I wanted to reserve the rest of the list (9 to 12) for business books written by Filipino authors. And then I realized that the pickings were quite slim. It's still the "usual suspects" writing books. So here's a shout out to Filipino business leaders, professors, and entrepreneurs to start becoming authors! We want to read your stories and insights. (By the way, if I may plug our Project Author 2.1 Tuesday night course designed to mentor and guide aspiring authors to write, publish and launch their books. Send an email to for inquiries.)
The next recommended title/s are from the dynamic husband and wife duo, Chiqui and Josiah Go (Yes, one of the perennial "usual suspects" who come out with new books every year. (Disclosure: Chiqui and Josiah are friends of ours but the number of books that they have sold speaks for itself.)
9. Small Store Marketing by Chiqui Escareal-Go. This is the first-ever book in taglish (Tagalog-English) for the small stores or popularly knows as "Sari-sari" stores in the Philippines with 25,000 copies sold in 2011. It's been in the top 5 National Bookstore best-sellers list as well. In November of 2011 we featured Small Store Marketing in this column and listed down the 7 principles (e.g. Grow without cannibalizing existing sales, convert from functional to emotional) that small store owners could implement to make their businesses sustainable and prosper. Though it was meant for a specific niche, the insights and principles should be relevant to all marketers. Read this together with Josiah Go and Chiqui Go's Fundamentals of Marketing in the Philippine Setting (2/e). As always, Chiqui and Josiah make the lessons relevant by providing a treasure trove of stories and case studies of successful Philippine brands and businesses.
We are out of space, so we'll continue next Friday. This will also give me the chance to search and review for more books written by Filipinos. Though there are only 3 slots left to round off the recommended dozen books for 2012, we can add a few more titles to the list especially if they come from our readers. (Who knows, after you've read the Speed Reading book, you can expand your list to 24 or 52!) Send us your recommended reading list via email: or Happy reading and God bless!
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Ardy Roberto, Co-Founder
Salt & Light Ventures, Inc and Inspire Phils
Facebook, Skype ID: ardyroberto
Author: The Heart of Healing | Ang Buhay na Hindi Bitin | Ang Pera na Hindi Bitin | Adventures in Entrepreneurship | Best of MarketingRx | S4-Success Secrets of the Sales Superstars